Cloud Setup

Running sorry-cypress in cloud - AWS, Google Cloud, K8s, Heroku

Cloud Demo

Visit to see the web dashboard in action.

Start sending your cypress tests to the demo dashboard by using the following command:

CYPRESS_API_URL="" cy2 run --parallel --record --key somekey --ci-build-id hello-cypress 

Cloud Providers

Now you can consider deploying it on your own infrastructure.

Each service is available as a standalone Docker image at The images are automatically updated on each release and tagged in accordance with GitHub release tags.

Sorry-cypress has been successfully used by many organizations of different sizes on different platforms, e.g.:

  • Heroku

  • AWS

  • Google Cloud

  • Azure

  • Digital Ocean

  • IBM Cloud

Check out the rest of the documentation for deployment instructions.

Congratulations! You have completed the guide.

Last updated