Cloud Setup

Running sorry-cypress in cloud - AWS, Google Cloud, K8s, Heroku

Cloud Demo

This demo runs on a free public Heroku instance, it takes a minute to wake it up when you first navigate

Visit to see the web dashboard in action.

Start sending your cypress tests to the demo dashboard by using the following command:

CYPRESS_API_URL="" cy2 run --parallel --record --key somekey --ci-build-id hello-cypress 

Cloud Providers

Now you can consider deploying it on your own infrastructure.

Each service is available as a standalone Docker image at The images are automatically updated on each release and tagged in accordance with GitHub release tags.

Sorry-cypress has been successfully used by many organizations of different sizes on different platforms, e.g.:

  • Heroku

  • AWS

  • Google Cloud

  • Azure

  • Digital Ocean

  • IBM Cloud

Check out the rest of the documentation for deployment instructions.

New! Managed, cloud-based affordable alternative to Cypress Cloud without the overhead of managing your own infrastructure at

Last updated